About us...
Debden New Village Hall Group
Formed just over 8 years ago, we are responsible for grant applications, design, fundraising, project management and build of a new hall for the village of Debden in the district of Uttlesford in Essex.
Consisting of volunteers and a core group of 6 people we work very closely with the Debden Village Hall Trust, a constituted group and registered Charity.
We are also part of a wider New Village Hall and Pavilion Project group and work closely with Debden Parish Council who are custodians of the existing hall built in 1922, and Debden Recreation Ground - Registered Charity who own the land in trust, that the new hall will be built on.
The Group includes volunteers who are not Debden Village Hall Trustees. This helps to widen the pool of experience open to the Trust and to bring in additional skills.
Responsible for the development, fundraising and construction of the new hall project, together with researching the needs of the community, updating the user groups and beneficiaries and ensuring we build a sustainable, usable and flexible facility.
Formed in September 2014, they have adhered to strict deadlines and timetables. They have a ‘Can do, will do’ attitude, as they move onto the challenges of delivering the new village hall, over the next 18 months.
The Group have taken the project through the first stages of: planning, surveys, legalities and will shortly ‘Go Out To Tender‘ to appoint a main contractor. The team work in close co-operation with the lead architect, Plater Claiborne, and the Quantity Surveyor.
The members of the team have skills and experience needed to secure the delivery of the project. They include a Quantity Surveyor, Chartered Surveyor, Accountant, Lawyer, Business Consultant, Marketing Director and Journalist.
We are committed to building a new hall for Debden and to provide a multi-tasking facility for our local Community.
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