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Community fundraising...

Fundraising is currently on hold until the land exchange with Debden Recreation Ground is complete.

Once in place fundraising can resume.


The Aviva Community Fund

Launched on Nov 19th 2019. Visit our crowdfunder page to donate.

Our target is £2000+ by May 18th 2020

To help us build a new hall click on the link:

There are rewards if you donate £50 or more. Dig Deep and Donate Today!

wine tasting evening poster.jpg

A big thank you to Asa Clark and those who helped organise the Wine Tasting Event on Oct 5th 2019 in Debden Village Hall. A Grand Total of £750 was raised and proceeds went to the Debden New Village Hall Fund. Also a big thanks to Justin at Waples Wines:

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Please support us by donating funds through

You can donate as little as £5 up to the sky's the limit!  We are running this alongside the

Calor Rural Fund. (please vote!)


NB. We raise £706 by 31st August 2019 towards installation of water services for the new hall 

The Calor Rural Community Fund

Please support us by voting between May 2nd and 17th June 2019.    Please register on: and search Debden New Village Hall. You can vote up to

10 times. Please get everyone in the household who has a different email address to vote.

We did not get enough votes to win £5000 but Calor did donate £100 to our CrowdFunder page  see above. Many thanks to those that did vote!

“We actively fundraise towards this project and won’t give up until we reach our goal”


Many people in the village of Debden and surrounding area give up hours of their free time to organise events and to come up with ideas to fundraise for the hall. This also includes those that choose to give private donations.


We are doing extremely well...just under half way to our goal of £759,000 by Summer 2022. 

If you would like to help in any way then please contact us. There are so many ways you can help. Filling in application forms for large grant organisations is very time consuming but rewarding when successful and we can add to the fundraising pot.


Events can be organised within the village. In the past we have had pub quizzes, cake stalls, car boot sale, Summer fetes, barn dance, ladies supper, Christmas parties, etc. Why don’t you organise an event to help raise money for the hall.

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